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Pay Less on Your Energy Bill While Staying Hot this Winter with these 3 Tips

Energy Efficiency

Your Vancouver, BC, Canada home heating infrastructure requires maintenance throughout the winter to ensure optimal performance during cooler weather.

It’s also important that you take on several tasks throughout the home to keep the warm air inside the property throughout the season. In this latest post, we’ll present three tips for keeping your home warm throughout the winter.

Insulate the Windows

Insulated WindowTake the time now to make sure that cool air isn’t making its way into your home through the home windows, making your heating system work harder. The window can be an area through which warm air leaves through property if it isn’t maintained effectively.

Look for areas in which the window is breaking down due to rusted framing and other structural issues. And take the time now to improve the insulation around the windows in order to protect your home against the cooler temperatures.

It’s important that you contact a local specialist to complete the work if you have limited experience in integrating insulation in the home.

Caulk the Window Frames

Window Caulk Another crucial area for window maintenance is the frames around the windows. The frames must be in effective condition to prevent warm air escaping the home.

If you don’t add a significant amount of caulking to the area, you might find that small gaps can appear in the framing. These small gaps lead to large amounts of warm air loss in the home, and your home heating bills will rise as a result.

Make sure you check your home heating bills at the start of the winter season. Any rise from month-to-month could indicate a problem with the window framing that must be resolved as soon as possible.

Switch the Direction of the Ceiling Fans

Ceiling Fan The ceiling fans around your home do more than simply keep the home cool on summer days. They can also help keep your home warm in winter.

By switching the direction of the ceiling fans, the cooler air is drawn upward in the home, leaving only warm air in the space below. This can help reduce home heating costs by 10% this winter.

By following the guidance in this post, you can help to keep your home warm throughout the winter season. To discover more about how to reduce your home heating costs in the coming months, work with your local home HVAC specialist.